Ah, yes. The old social networking site. The workhorse of the social internet that keeps people of different cultures and backgrounds connected to one another. The very thing that keeps a person from getting up out of that computer chair and actually meeting that same person in real life. Maybe that sounds insane, but that is just what is happening, people who use social networking regularly will find it more convenient to just use a computer and chat with someone online instead of actually meeting that person face to face. I know, I know, this is all just absurdity to most, but in reality, less social contact with people is quite harmful to that person who constantly utilize the services of social networking sites. for example, let's say that you decided to be humorous one day and you posted something that was potentially disparaging to you, but you thought of it as hilarious. Well, remember that tweet where you said that, well, you know. Yeah, well it turns out that your boss found that while using his twitter account and, well, he found that post to be offensive.